
Freek Ruesink graduates

    Freek Ruesink successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Manipulating light with ring resonators coupled to antennas and mechanical motion” on 23rd October, 2017 at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Congratulations to Freek!

Rick Leijssen defends his PhD thesis

    In a first for the Photonic Forces group, Rick Leijssen successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Measuring mechanical motion using light confined at the nanoscale” on 19th October, 2017 at the Eindhoven...

ERC Grant

Ewold was awarded a Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC uses the Starting Grants to support talented scientists in the early stages of their career in...

Professor appointment in Eindhoven

I’m very honoured to have been appointed as professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as of July 1. I’ve accepted a part-time position as professor of Nano-optomechanics within the Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics...

Nanobeams rock out

In a new paper in Nature Communications, we present photonic crystal nanobeams that exhibit extremely strong coupling between light and motion. As a result, the optomechanical interaction is no longer linear, even for the tiny...

How to make an atom emit sound?

With Michele Cotrufo and Andrea Fiore from TU Eindhoven, we published new theory work in Physical Review Letters. We present a new way to realize a strong and controllable interaction between a natural (or artificial)...

One-way street for light

Together with our collaborators at UT Austin, we published our work on optomechanical nonreciprocity in Nature Communications. Our experiments demonstrate 10 dB optical isolation in a ring resonator, where optomechanical coupling takes the role...

Rick Leijssen wins Emil Wolf Award

Rick Leijssen is one of the recipients of this year’s Emil Wolf Award, for presenting one of the best contributed talks at the 2016 Frontiers in Optics conference held in Rochester, USA. Congratulations to...