A single-phonon directional coupler
Amirparsa Zivari, Niccolò Fiaschi, Lorenzo Scarpelli, Menno Jansen, Roel Burgwal, Ewold Verhagen, and Simon Gröblacher, arXiv:2312.04414 (2023)
Multiple backscattering in trivial and non-trivial topological photonic crystal edge states with controlled disorder
Sonakshi Arora, Thomas Bauer, René Barczyk, Ewold Verhagen, and L. (Kobus) Kuipers, arXiv:2310.02978 (2023)
Optical readout and actuation of plasmonic nano-optomechanical drum resonators
Jente Vandersmissen, Randy A. Meijer, Johneph Sukham, Aloys Erkelens Jan Bonne Aans, and Ewold Verhagen, Opt. Mater. Express 13, 2979 (2023)
Optomechanical realization of the bosonic Kitaev-Majorana chain
Jesse J. Slim, Clara C. Wanjura, Matteo Brunelli, Javier del Pino, Andreas Nunnenkamp, and Ewold Verhagen, arXiv:2309.05825 (2023)
Cavity quantum optomechanical nonlinearities and position measurement beyond the breakdown of the linearized approximation
Jack Clarke, Pascal Neveu, Kiran E. Khosla, Ewold Verhagen, and Michael R. Vanner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 053601 (2023), arXiv:2207.11153
Quadrature nonreciprocity in bosonic networks without breaking time-reversal symmetry
Clara C. Wanjura, Jesse J. Slim, Javier del Pino, Matteo Brunelli, Ewold Verhagen, and Andreas Nunnenkamp, Nat. Phys. 19, 1429 (2023),arXiv:2207.08523
Hybrid electronic-photonic sensors on a fibre tip
Luca Picelli, P. J. (René) van Veldhoven, Ewold Verhagen, and Andrea Fiore, Nat. Nanotechnol. 18, 1162 (2023)
Hybrid cavity-antenna architecture for strong and tunable sideband-selective molecular Raman scattering enhancement
Ilan Shlesinger, Jente Vandersmissen, Eitan Oksenberg, Ewold Verhagen, and A. Femius Koenderink, arXiv:2206.17286 (2023)
Observation of Landau levels and topological edge states in photonic crystals through pseudomagnetic fields induced by synthetic strain
René Barczyk, L. (Kobus) Kuipers, and Ewold Verhagen, arXiv:2306.03860 (2023)
Quadrature-averaged homodyne detection for estimating cavity parameters
Giada R. La Gala, Arvind S. Kumar, Rick Leijssen, Ewold Verhagen, and Juha T. Muhonen, Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064006 (2023), arXiv:2209.05807
Enhanced nonlinear optomechanics in a coupled-mode photonic crystal device
Roel Burgwal and Ewold Verhagen, Nat. Commun. 14, 1526 (2023)
On-chip distribution of quantum information using traveling phonons
Amirparsa Zivari, Niccolò Fiaschi, Roel Burgwal, Ewold Verhagen, Robert Stockill, and Simon Gröblacher, Sci. Adv. 8, add2811 (2022), arXiv:2204.05066
Interplay of leakage radiation and protection in topological photonic crystal cavities
René Barczyk, Nikhil Parappurath, Sonakshi Arora, Thomas Bauer, Kobus Kuipers, and Ewold Verhagen, Laser Photonics Rev.2022, 2200071 (2022)
Non-Hermitian chiral phononics through optomechanically induced squeezing
Javier del Pino, Jesse Slim, and Ewold Verhagen, Nature 606, 82 (2022), arXiv:2110.14710
Nanomechanical design strategy for single-mode optomechanical measurement
Giada La Gala, John Mathew, Pascal Neveu, and Ewold Verhagen, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 225101 (2022)
Breakdown of spin-to-helicity locking at the nanoscale in topological photonic crystal edge states
Sonakshi Arora, Thomas Bauer, Nikhil Parappurath, René Barczyk, Ewold Verhagen, and Kobus Kuipers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 203903 (2022), arXiv:2202.04402
Information advantage from polarization-multiplexed readout of nanophotonic scattering overlay sensors
Robin Buijs, Tom Wolterink, Giampiero Gerini, Femius Koenderink, and Ewold Verhagen, Opt. Express 29, 42900 (2021)
Continuous-wave frequency upconversion with a molecular optomechanical nanocavity
Wen Chen, Huatian Hu, Sachin Verlekar, Sakthi Priya Amirtharaj, Angela Barreda, Tobias Kippenberg, Miroslavna Kovylina, Ewold Verhagen, Alejandro Martínez, and Christophe Galland, Science 374, 1264 (2021)
Integrated molecular optomechanics with hybrid dielectric-metallic resonators
Ilan Shlesinger, Kévin Cognée, Ewold Verhagen, and Femius Koenderink, ACS Photon. (2021)
Non-Hermitian chiral phononics through optomechanically-induced squeezing
Javier del Pino, Jesse Slim, and Ewold Verhagen,
Floquet phonon lasing in multimode optomechanical systems
Laura Mercadé, Karl Pelka, Roel Burgwal, André Xuereb, Alejandro Martinez, and Ewold Verhagen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 073601 (2021)
Calibration-based overlay sensing with minimal-footprint targets
Tom Wolterink, Robin Buijs, Giampiero Gerini, Ewold Verhagen, and Femius Koenderink, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 111104 (2021)
Preparation and verification of two-mode mechanical entanglement through pulsed optomechanical measurements
Pascal Neveu, Jack Clarke, Michael Vanner, and Ewold Verhagen, New J. Phys. 23, 023026 (2021)
Programming metasurface near-fields for nano-optical sensing
Robin Buijs, Tom Wolterink, Giampiero Gerini, Ewold Verhagen, and Femius Koenderink, Adv. Opt. Mater. 9, 2100435 (2021)
Localizing nanoscale objects using nanophotonic near-field transducers
Tom Wolterink, Robin Buijs, Giampiero Gerini, Femius Koenderink, and Ewold Verhagen, Nanophotonics 10, 1723 (2021)
Direct quantification of topological protection in symmetry-protected photonic edge states at telecom wavelengths
Sonakshi Arora, Thomas Bauer, René Barczyk, Ewold Verhagen, and Kobus Kuipers, Light: Sci. & Appl. 10, 9 (2021)
Super-resolution without imaging: Library-based approaches using near-to-far-field transduction by a nanophotonic structure
Robin Buijs, Nick Schilder, Tom Wolterink, Giampiero Gerini, Ewold Verhagen, and Femius Koenderink, ACS Photon. 7, 3246 (2020)
Controlling Fano lineshapes in plasmon-mediated light coupling into a substrate P. Spinelli, C. van Lare, E. Verhagen, and A. Polman, Opt. Express 19, A303 (2011)
Resonant SPP modes supported by discrete metal nanoparticles on high-index substrates F. J. Beck, E. Verhagen, S. Mokkapati, A. Polman, and K. R. Catchpole, Opt. Express 19, A146 (2011)
Characterization of bending losses for curved plasmonic nanowire waveguides D. J. Dikken, M. Spasenović, E. Verhagen, D. van Oosten, and L. Kuipers, Opt. Express 18, 16112 (2010)
Light trapping in ultrathin plasmonic solar cells V. E. Ferry, M. A. Verschuuren, H. B. T. Li, E. Verhagen, R. J. Walters, R. E. I. Schropp, H. A. Atwater, and A. Polman, Opt. Express 18, A237 (2010)
Electric and magnetic dipole coupling in near-infrared split ring metamaterial arrays I. Sersic, M. Frimmer, E. Verhagen, and A. F. Koenderink, Phys. Rev. Lett.103, 213902 (2009)
Measurements of modal symmetry in subwavelength plasmonic slot waveguides M. Spasenović, D. van Oosten, E. Verhagen, and L. Kuipers, Appl. Phys. Lett.95, 203109 (2009)
Direct imaging of propagation and damping of near-resonance surface plasmon polaritons using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy J. T. van Wijngaarden, E. Verhagen, A. Polman, C. E. Ross, H. J. Lezec, H. A. Atwater, Appl. Phys. Lett.88, 221111 (2006)
Erbium luminescence imaging of infrared surface plasmon polaritons E. Verhagen, A. L. Tchebotareva, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett.88, 121121 (2006)