Professor appointment in Eindhoven
I’m very honoured to have been appointed as professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as of July 1. I’ve accepted a part-time position as professor of Nano-optomechanics within the Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics (PSN) group in the Department of Applied Physics. Of course I continue to lead the Photonic Forces group at AMOLF. This appointment further boosts the very nice collaboration between my group and that of prof. Andrea Fiore, and strengthens the links between nanophotonics research at AMOLF and TU/e. Thank you very much to Andrea, as well as prof. Paul Koenraad (PSN), prof. Gerrit Kroesen (dean of Applied Physics), and the whole PSN group, for welcoming me so warmly! I’m looking forward to working with you. — Ewold
See announcements of TU/e